Code of Conduct

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Every organization needs rules to work properly. This Community is no different. Most rules are common sense but please make sure you read through the whole document to ensure you get the most enjoyment out of the Community.

General Rules

Considerate Language! Always tone down your language and avoid swearing. There are a wide variety of people in the Community whose first language may not be English and swearing can make it harder for them to understand. This also applies to the use of 1337-speak. There are many people in the Community with younger family members, or they log on from School/ Work or another Public place. Keeping the language clean means they can access the site freely from anywhere. We want people to enjoy the site from wherever they are. Don't deny them this by your bad language being displayed all over the screen.

Respect to others! There will be people from all over the world in this Community and you are expected to leave any racial, political, religious beliefs behind in the real world before you log on. Everyone in this Community will be treated equally regardless of their history or personal background. Be honest in your advice to others and don't try to earn a personal advantage at the cost of others in games.

No Whining! The Community gives anyone the opportunity to improve things if they feel they can do a job better. By all means you are welcome to try. However you must accept criticizing those who are trying to change things for the better while you do nothing but whine won't be acceptable to anyone in this Community. Solutions not problems!

Play the game! .. as the developer intended. That means no cheating or exploiting bugs. Also no abusing others or sabotaging the game by team killing.


Push-To-Talk must be enabled! No matter how good your microphone may be it will pickup background noise. People don't want to hear the dog barking, your breathing or sounds from your speakers.

Announce yourself! When you join a channel at the appropriate moment during a pause in the current conversation announce you've joined the channel. You may have interrupted a private conversation that the current people in the channel don't want you to hear.

Don't record! Many people don't like having themselves recorded. Make sure if you are recording the channel you explained why you are doing this.

Playing Audio files is bad! Be considerate of others in the channel. They don't want to have music pumped over Teamspeak, recording taken in Teamspeak played back or sounds played in the background. These can be very annoying!

Broadcasting should be used rarely! The ability to Broadcast to multiple channels is a useful feature. Don't abuse it.

No one wants to stop you having fun. So if you want to play around with Teamspeak please feel free to create your own channel and entertain yourselves.


Don't post/ link illegal content! Agree with it or not posting links to copyrighted software, music, video is against the law. Several members of the Community work within these sections of business and in respect for them don't post illegal copyrighted material. Also linking illegal explicit obscene content of a sexual or violent nature won't be tolerated at all!

Careful posting risky content! When making a post with strong language, mature jokes or graphic imagery make sure you post an appropriate warning in the topic subject such as [Caution].

Sensible Signatures! Generally speaking if a signature is bigger then your actual post its too big. Avatar & Signature sizes must be kept down to reasonable dimensions so they don't stretch the design of the forums. File-size is am important consideration too. People come to the forums to find out whats happening. Not download your giant short animated movie of a signature. Avoid stacking multiple images on top of one another also. Unless they are small in dimensions.

Don't post spoiler! Whether it be a movie, a book or a game. Don't post spoilers that could stop others enjoying the story for themselves. Post a [Spoiler] warning in a topics subject.

No spamming! Mindless senseless spam all over the forums will be deleted. Same goes for hijacking threads. Keep them on-topic. Should you need to go off-topic consider starting a new thread.

Make sure you follow these rules as closely as possible. They will be enforced centrally by the Community Admin team. Severe offenses will be referred to the Tribunal. Note: A smaller Code of Conduct may also be available for each Division that covers specific rules.